====== AFS network file system ======
[[wpde>Andrew_File_System|AFS (Andrew File System)]] is the network filesystem at the department of Mathematics. The home-directories live there as well as the homepage-directories.\\ Unix- and Windows systems use the same filesystem. It is also possible to install the AFS on Mac OS X-Systems, Notebooks, self-maintained or private computers and use it also from home.
Your **home quota** is restrained to 25 GB of storage. The command //fs quota// displays the percentage of used quota. If more quota is required, please sent a well-founded request to the [[rt@math.uni-hamburg.de|IT-Group]].
===== AFS-setup on self-maintained computers =====
* [[en:user:afs:install#linux|For Linux]]
* [[en:user:afs:install#windows|For Windows]]
* [[en:user:afs:install#mac_os_x|For Mac OS X]]
===== AFS for Linux- / Mac OS X-Users =====
Your **home-directory** with your data lies at:
/afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/users/''GROUP/IDENTIFIER/'' \\ e.g. /afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/users/''it/fmnv165''
Your **WWW-homepage** lies at:
/afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/www/home/''SURNAME/'' \\ e.g. /afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/www/home/''xyz''\\ or: /afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/users/''GROUP/IDENTIFIER''/public_html
===== AFS for Windows-Users =====
For windows users the path to the **home-directory** lies at:
%%\\afs\math.uni-hamburg.de\users\%%''GROUP\IDENTIFIER''\ \\ e.g. %%\\afs\math.uni-hamburg.de\users\%%''it\fmnv165''\
Your **WWW-homepage** lies at:
%%\\afs\math.uni-hamburg.de\www\home\%%''SURNAME\'' \\ e.g. %%\\afs\math.uni-hamburg.de\www\home\%%''xyz''\\ or: %%\\afs\math.uni-hamburg.de\users\%%''GROUP\IDENTIFIER''\public_html
You can enter these paths directly in the address bar of the Windows-Explorer (the app with a yellow folder-symbol, not the Internet Explorer!) or – if you need to access the folders regularly – you can add a drive letter by right clicking on "This PC" and then "Map network drive"
===== How to setup Thunderbird and Firefox profiles in AFS =====
* [[en:user:afs:mozilla|Mozilla-profiles under Windows]]
* For Linux-users all configurations incl. profiles in AFS are automatically available
===== Access Problems =====
When a new user account is added to a computer, sometimes this account can't access the AFS after being logged in to the computer.\\
A solution was found by Lena: [[user:it-gruppe:afs:mehrbenutzer|Solution]]
===== Daily Backup =====
For all directories stored in the AFS a daily backup is performed. In this way its always possible to access yesterdays version of your data. The 'public'-tree directories are also backuped daily in the AFS but are not hard-linked. If data from the 'public'-tree is needed please contact the [[rt@math.uni-hamburg.de|IT-Group]]
On Windows the following paths must be modified. Each slash '/' must be replaced by a backslash '\' and the backslash at the beginning of the path must be doubled.\\
''/afs/math.uni-hamburg.de/users/it/fmsv030/'' has to be written as: ''\\afs\math.uni-hamburg.de\users\it\fmsv030\''
==== User Directories ====
*//Normally//, Home-Directories are readable only by the owner.
*WWW-Directories can be accessed via WWW but //normally// only by their owner.
*Public-Directories can //normally// be read by all users (worldwide!).
//Normally//, because the owner can modify the access rights for his directories. (e.g. expand rights (permissions) for the Home-Directory or reduce rights (permissions) for the Public-Directory)
==== Common Directories ====
in the path means the abbreviation of the research areas like: ad, az, dd, dm, oa, st